Cara Kerja Panel Surya

cara kerja panel surya

Kira-kira bagaimana sih cara kerja panel surya sehingga menghasilkan energi listrik? KIta tahu bahwa sinar matahari merupakan sumber energi yang melimpah di bumi. Sangat sayang sekali apabila sumber energi ini tidak kita manfaatkan secara maksimal. Untuk memanfaatkan sumber energi tersebut kita membutuhkan alat yang disebut dengan panel surya. Apa itu panel surya? Panel surya, juga … Baca Selengkapnya

Cara Kerja Mesin Disel

mesin disel

Cara kerja mesin disel tentu saja berbeda dengan mesin bensin. Bahan bakarnya saja sudah berbeda, apalagi perawatannya. Nah pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan bahas secara mendalam bagaimana cara mesin disel bekerja. Pengertian Mesin Disel Mesin disel adalah mesin pembakaran internal yang mengubah energi kimia dan bahan bakar menjadi energi mekanik. Mesin disel ini telah … Baca Selengkapnya

Types of Gears

types of gears

Gears are important mechanical elements used in various sectors, especially industry. With a main function to transfer power and motion between components, there are several types of gears based on functions and characteristics. Different gear types come with different advantages and are applicable in different equipment. These elements are commonly employed in an extensive range … Baca Selengkapnya



There are many precision instruments out there. Each one of them has its specific uses. In this article, we will talk about one such instrument. Namely, theodolite. We will tell you what it is, its function, how it works, its parts, and how to use it. What Is It? Let’s start with the definition first. … Baca Selengkapnya

Lathe Mahine

lathe machine

The lathe machine is one of the most frequently used machines. This is not surprising as the machine can do a lot of things with precision. Want to know more about the machine? Read on, then. Here we explain what the machine is, its parts, and its functions. Definition Before we proceed further, let’s start … Baca Selengkapnya